
Agreement, understand Oss
Begin Hajime
Belt (sash) Obi
Blue Ao
Bow Rei
Consecutive Ren
Deep breathing and empty mind (Meditation) Mokso
Distancing Ma-ai
Empty - Chinese Kara
Empty-hand fighting Karate
Focusing the muscles - Tension Kime
Front Mae
Grade (below black belt) Kyu
Half-front-facing position Hanmi
Hand techniques Te-waza
Hooking throw Kake-Nage
Inner power (spirit) Ki
Jacket Gi
Jumping Tobi
Junior grade Kohai
Left Hidari
Level (Black belt & above) Dan
Main dojo or HQ Hombu
Master (6th Dan and above) Shihan
Meditation Mokuso
Moving and stepping Unsoku
Oath Kun
Person or practitioner Ka
Pulling hand Hikate
Ready Yoi
Red Aka
Relax Enoy
Reverse Gyaku
Right Migi
Senior Sempai
Shout used to unite Ki and Physical power Kiai
Sliding Suri
Smashing techniques Ate-waza
Staff (wooden) Bo
Stop - finish Yamae
Student of karate Karateka
Teacher Sensei
Teacher we bow Sensei-ne-rei
Technique Waza
Test of technique's power Tameshi-wari
Throwing techniques Nage-waza
Training gym Dojo
Turn Mawate
Way Do
White Shiro