1st Dan Grading Sheet (Black Belt)


  1. Reverse Punch, Front kick, Reverse Punch
  2. Change Stance, Front kick, Reverse Punch and Change stance Reverse Punch
  3. Front kick, Roundhouse kick, same leg and Reverse punch
  4. Front kick, Roundhouse kick, Back kick, and Reverse punch
  5. Front leg Roundhouse kick, Spin Hook kick, Roundhouse kick
  6. Forward Inside block, step back Inside block, Forward Double punch, Front kick, Reverse Punch
  7. Fake Backfist, Side kick, Reverse Punch, Front kick, Roundhouse kick, Reverse Punch


  • Change Leg, Knee Strike, Knee Strike
  • Change Leg, Thigh Kick, Roundhouse kick
  • Change Leg, Thigh Kick, Roundhouse kick, Spin Back kick (Both Sides)


Kanku Dai

Sparring, Bag work

  • Sparring as Deemed by the Panel
  • Bag work 2 minutes


Chosen Randomly Jion, Empi, Bassi-Dai

NOTE: These sheets are just a guide, the content of a grading may change at the examiners discretion

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