1st Dan Grading Sheet (Black Belt)
- Reverse Punch, Front kick, Reverse Punch
- Change Stance, Front kick, Reverse Punch and Change stance Reverse Punch
- Front kick, Roundhouse kick, same leg and Reverse punch
- Front kick, Roundhouse kick, Back kick, and Reverse punch
- Front leg Roundhouse kick, Spin Hook kick, Roundhouse kick
- Forward Inside block, step back Inside block, Forward Double punch, Front kick, Reverse Punch
- Fake Backfist, Side kick, Reverse Punch, Front kick, Roundhouse kick, Reverse Punch
- Change Leg, Knee Strike, Knee Strike
- Change Leg, Thigh Kick, Roundhouse kick
- Change Leg, Thigh Kick, Roundhouse kick, Spin Back kick (Both Sides)
Kanku Dai
Sparring, Bag work
- Sparring as Deemed by the Panel
- Bag work 2 minutes
Chosen Randomly Jion, Empi, Bassi-Dai
NOTE: These sheets are just a guide, the content of a grading may change at the examiners discretion
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