4th Kyu Grading Sheet (Purple & White Belt)
- Step Forward Double punch
- Same
- Front Leg Front Kick, Reverse Punch, Front Kick, Reverse Punch
- Same
- Forward double punch,inside block with front hand,reverse punch Low block
- Same
- Front Leg Roundhouse Kick, Reverse Punch, Roundhouse, Reverse Punch
- Same
- Forward Knifehand Block, Back Knifehand block, Forward Double Punch, "fighting stance"
- Same
- Front Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Back Kick, Reverse Punch
- Same
Heian Godan
- 2 x << 2 minute rounds
Bag work
- 1 minute 30 seconds
NOTE: These sheets are just a guide, the content of a grading may change at the examiners discretion
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