3rd Kyu Grading Sheet (1st Brown Belt)
- Low Block, Face Punch, Front Kick, Body Punch
- Low Block, Face Punch, Knee Strike, Body Punch
- Step forward double punch, Low Roundhouse kick stepping forward
- Same
- Rising elbow, Roundhouse elbow, Downward elbow
- Same
- Front kick Step-up Roundhouse kick same leg, Reverse punch
- Same
- Axe Kick Step-up same leg Reverse Crescent kick Reverse punch
- Same
- Back Kick, Step Up Hook Kick Same Leg Reverse punch
- Same
- Deflecting Block, Reverse Punch, spin Sweep, Punch
- Same
- Front kick,Roundhouse kick same leg ( leg not touching the Floor) then reverse punch landing
- Same
Tekki Shodan
Plus 1 Heian Kata chosen by panel
Sparring,Bag Work
- Sparring 2 x << 2 minute Rounds
- Bag Work 1 minute 30 sec
NOTE: These sheets are just a guide, the content of a grading may change at the examiners discretion
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