7th Kyu Grading Sheet (Yellow Belt)
- 1. Triple Punch
- 2. Low block, Reverse Punch, Low Block
- Low block, Reverse Punch, Low Block (in reverse)
- 3. Knifehand Block, Spearhand Strike
- Knifehand Block, Spearhand Strike (in reverse)
- 4. Front Kick , Reverse punch
- Side Kick , Reverse punch
- 5. Roundhouse Head kick, Reverse Punch
- Same
Heian Nidan
Block & Counter
One Attack Sparring : Free Style
- Stepping Face Punch
- Stepping Body Punch
- Front Kick
- Roundhouse Kick
- Any Block and Counter
- Any Block and Counter
- Any Block and Counter
- Any Block and Counter
- One Side
NOTE: These sheets are just a guide, the content of a grading may change at the examiners discretion
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